We don't just fix teeth we help to make you Smile!
If you are new to our Brighton Dental Practice,
you can rest assured, that
you are in good hands.
We make sure all of our patients feel welcome and taken care of. As a current patient regular dental check up examinations are still an important part of your dental care.
Regular preventive care is the first step to helping you and your family keep your teeth for life. With our modern facilities, up-to-date equipment and advanced technologies, we aim to make your visits to our practice a pleasant and rewarding experience.
We work with you to answer any questions you may have about your mouth and oral health and put a plan in place
to achieve your dental health goals.
Check Ups & Dental Examinations
What do we need to know at your 1st dental consultation?
We need to find out as much as we can about your health; both oral and general. Your general medical background is just as important as your dental health as it may impact the way that we treat and diagnose issues. Diabetes, for example, can increase the risk of gum disease. Certain medicines, meanwhile, can cause dry mouth, which can increase your risk of decay and gum inflammation. Importantly, all your medical information will be kept confidential. Please bring a full list of any medications you are currently taking.
Things we will check for during your dental examination include;
Assessment of the form and function of your teeth
early signs of dental decay - this is aided and confirmed by the use of xrays as it is otherwise not possible to see between the teeth or in hard to reach places when crowding or overlap of teeth is present.
Status of existing fillings and restorations and appearance of cracks or breakdown in structure are identified
Signs of tooth wear; abrasion, erosion and grinding
A comprehensive oral health and hygiene inspection to assess your gum health and the presence or absence of plaque, calculus and associated disease and inflammation
Your bite and the way in which your top teeth fit together with your lower teeth will be assessed
The health of your jaw joint and TMJ disorders
Assessment of the oral tissues including the tongue, lips, cheeks, throat, face and neck, looking for any signs of swelling or abnormalities which may be a sign of oral health issues, or oral pathologies including oral cancer and more commonly can be a link to your general overall health and wellbeing.
What happens after your dental check-up?
Upon completion of the examination process we will discuss with you our findings and recommendations and will advise of a treatment protocol best suited to achieve your oral health goals. We will also provide you with a copy of your treatment plan outlining all of your dental problems and associated treatment options, for maintaining your dental health and enhancing your smile. All advantages and disadvantages of treatment, risks of treatment or no treatment, options and costs of treatment will be presented to you before any treatment is commenced.
There is never any obligation for you to undergo treatment however it is in your best interest to look after your dental health now and in the long term as any dental disease left untreated will only advance to eventually cause pain and the requirement of emergency care. We endeavor to answer all of your questions thoroughly so that you are fully aware of your recommended oral health plan.We do ask that you please arrive 10 minutes prior to your 1st scheduled appointment with us so that you may complete all relevant paperwork. This is when you should bring an up-to-date list of the names of all medications you are currently taking.
​The Benefits of a Periodic Oral Examinations
As we aim to keep your treatment at Teeth, Mouth, Smile as pleasurable as possible we continue to recommend regular 6 monthly oral examinations, so that the early detection of disease will keep treatment comfortable before a catastrophe occurs.
This is even advised for patients who have no immediate and explicit need for treatment, so that restorations can be checked for the early signs of breakdown and the presence of absence of gum and tooth disease. Regular dental appointments are part of your long term requirements for continued health and wellbeing and future oral health care. Demonstratable links have been made between aspects of oral health, including bone density and gum disease, and a plethora of conditions which affect varied parts of the body.
Examples include:
Cardiovascular troubles
Systemic disorders, including leukemia
Immune system irregularities
Sinus problems
Sleep disordered breathing
Your regular oral examination is a part of your routine maintenance plan and as with your initial oral examination all of the same information is obtained and documented to establish the best care for maintaining your oral health. We already have a record of your dental history and current dental work and we can monitor this plan along with the current state of your oral health checking for the early signs of change and disease and breakdown occurring.
A check-up or your regular periodic exam is recommended to be maintained on a 6 monthly basis. This recommendation which when supported by a good at-home routine, will help to keep your mouth healthy for the long term.
Dental X-Rays
Will I need an Xray?
Depending on your oral exam, your dental history and specific risk for developing cavities, a dental X-ray may be advised. No examination is generally complete without radiographs due to the areas of the mouth which aren't in the visual field.
We can evaluate recently taken radiographs (not more than 2 years old) which are of diagnostic quality. Radiographs further identify the presence or absence of disease, by showing radiographically the areas inside and between teeth as well as the surrounding supporting structures. An X-ray can show any decay between teeth as well as identifying any impacted teeth, abscesses, or cysts on the roots of your teeth.
Preventive Dental Care & Gum Disease
Do your gums bleed when you brush them?
​- If you answer YES to this question even if it's only sometimes then you may have gum disease!
3 out of every 4 Australians suffer from gum disease at some point in their life. If left untreated gum disease or periodontitis can cause severe bone loss and eventually tooth loss. Regular hygiene examinations and gum therapy ensure the early stages of gum disease are detected and can then be easily treated and monitored, without detrimental consequences.
Gum Disease and Gingivitis Treatment
Our periodontal treatments are specifically designed to slow the effects of gingivitis, periodontal and gum diseases. If any of these issues are left untreated, then tooth loss is a very real consequence. Our gum disease and gingivitis treatment plans will vary depending on how far the problem has progressed. Gingivitis and gum disease are a result of a build up of calculus and plaque resulting in inflammation and subsequent breakdown of the gingival supporting tissues.
The symptoms of gum disease and gingivitis include swollen, red gums, which are very susceptible to bleeding and often very sensitive to the touch. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can rapidly progress to periodontal disease, where the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, creating gaps where infection can easily build up. The treatment cost can vary considerably in relation to all of these factors. Because we place a high level of importance on preventive dental care all of our patients have an individual hygiene program specific to their treatment needs. Hygiene visits check the health of your gums, 90% of tooth loss is due to decay or gum disease. Hygiene visits should be scheduled on a regular basis - ideally 6 monthly. However, if you suffer from early gum disease it will be necessary for you to have more regular follow-up appointments scheduled.
Dental Hygiene Therapy Involves:
visual mouth examination
full periodontal screening
mobility, pocketing & recession charting
scale & prophylaxis - removal of plaque and tartar build up and tooth surface staining
Oral Hygiene Instruction and product assessment
Fluoride therapy
Your home gum health care program is also vital in the resolution of the gum inflammation. You will be guided through the best at home dental care techniques tailored to you. The long term health of your gums will depend greatly on adhering to a very thorough at home care plan.
Holistic Dentistry
The understanding of how your oral health is interconnected to your overall health. Holistic dental care focuses on the person attached to the tooth and not just the oral cavity as a sole entity, taking into account your overall health and wellbeing and understanding the interplay of disease indicators and their link to overall general health.
There are now several studies highlighting links between oral health and systemic health. Your oral health is absolutely interconnected to rest of your body.
We also focus on using biocompatible or non-toxic restorative materials, eliminating infections, and promoting optimal teeth / jaw / head and neck relationships.
We prefer to remove all old amalgam fillings and opt for their safe removal and replacement with natural, aesthetic alternatives. This is a very comfortable and pain free process - ask us how we can improve your oral health today.